Zywoo Mouse Grip. 3 Crazy Reasons Why It Succeeds.

zywoo mouse grip

Zywoo Mouse Grip analysis. For the best CS:GO player in the world at the moment, he uses a very abnormal mouse grip.

Zywoo is currently the best CS:GO player in the world, he has been #1 on HLTV rankings for 2 consecutive years: 2020 and 2019.

However, he has a secret, he uses a very abnormal mouse grip that no one has used before.

Now it has become a small trend in the CS:GO professional scene as other pro players like twistzz and stewie have been seen using the same odd mouse grip that Zywoo does.

What is so special about this mouse grip and why is he holding the mouse like this?

This grip is a combination of an elevated and neutral claw grip.

Video Of Zywoo Mouse Grip in Action

The palm contacts the mouse towards the top hump of the mouse, which means the stability to hold the mouse is very high up on the mouse along with the center of control.

Usually the stability is towards the back of the mouse with traditional mouse grips.

It is actually more difficult to stabilize the mouse at the top of the mouse.

The “Zywoo mouse grip” is reliant on the forearm and elbow being contacted with the edge of the desk for a pivot point, which is the only contact of his arm with the desk.

Since he is using an ergonomic right handed mouse, his grip is also slanted down to the right which is why he uses the Xtrfy M4 Mouse which is available on amazon.

This also means that Zywoo has a mouse grip which will demand that he uses more of his thumb muscles for control.

The grip is so far up the mouse meaning that his fingers have to claw to press the primary buttons. Which means he is using a pseudo claw grip.

If you use Zywoo’s mouse grip it will force you to use the top forearm muscles more than anything else and this can be tiring for some people, especially if you use a zowie GSR which has a lot of friction.

However, this gives you a lot of control over the mouse and makes it a lot easier to swipe left and right.

Flicking of the wrist is a little more difficult to get used with this mouse grip. The wrist control is still very precise though. Learn how to train your flicks in my CS:GO article here.

Depending on the size and weight of your mouse, this grip can be good or bad for you. As you can see he uses mice that are lightweight when using this grip. This allows the mouse to move more freely and precisely when being controlled by the forearm.

A decently sized mouse in relation to your palm is also important when using this grip as this will avoid cramping. If the mouse is too small, you will be forced to apply more pressure with your pinky and thumb to properly grip the mouse in a sturdy position.

I recommend using ergonomic mice for this grip as they have a wider hull.

Final Thoughts On The Zywoo Mouse Grip

Zywoo has a very abnormal mouse grip, but it obviously works for him and other pro players. This is something that has never been seen before in CS:GO, and has now become a small trend.

I suggest you give it a try but it is very difficult to get used to. But who knows, it might make you aim a little better or have some more impact in the game. Try it for a day or 2 and see how you go.

Grayson Uppington, a former professional CS:GO player, has channeled his expertise into creating insightful content for Aimprac. With ten years in the gaming industry, he crafts detailed guides on aim training, game strategies, and tutorials.